• Pivoting kerberos golden tickets in Linux

    Kerberos golden ticket allows attacker to establish persistent and covert authenticated access to Windows domain. The attack works as follows:

    1. Attacker gains administrator privileges in domain
    2. Attacker extracts ntlm hash of a domain user “krbtgt” and obtains SID of the target domain
    3. The attacker forges kerberos ticket
    4. This ticket is used to authenticate in domain with privileges of domain administrator

    Here’s a detailed walkthough on how to use golden tickets on Kali Linux.

    Let’s start with obtaining krbtgt ntlm hash. I use an encoded version of mimikatz utility that gets me krbtgt hash without alerting AV (https://github.com/artkond/bat-armor/blob/master/examples/krbtgt.bat):


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  • Plaidctf 2014 Reverse 250 "hudak" write-up

    Task description:

    Can you reverse this program?

    Peeking into file:

    $ file hudak
    hudak: ELF 32-bit LSB executable
    $ strings hudak
    Enter the password.
    $ ./hudak
    Enter the password.

    So no easy flag today ;) Ok, no problem, fire up IDA + linux_server and let’s roll. sub_80484C0 is our main function:


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  • Ructf quals 2014 Reverse 500 "Arcfour" write-up

    Task description:

    Crack me please.
    Flag format is "RUCTF_.*"

    Ok so we’re presented with a arcfour.exe binary.

    root@kali:~/vmshare/ctf/reverse/original# file arcfour.exe
    arcfour.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, UPX сompressed

    Well, simple enough! Just unpack it with upx -d and load into IDA :

    int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
            int result;
            if ( argc == 2 )
                    if ( lstrlenA(argv[1]) == 32 )
                            dword_40337C = (int)argv[1];
                            if ( (unsigned __int8)(lstrcmpA(lpString1, argv[1]) & 1 ^ 1) == 1 )
                                    result = puts("good job, put flag into system");
                                    result = puts("nope...");
                            result = 0;
                    result = 0;
            return result;

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